Big Run Wolf Ranch

April 28, 2024

On Sunday, April 28, HSA staff volunteered at the Big Run Wolf Ranch in Lockport, IL, a non-profit educational facility specializing in North American wildlife.

HSA team members crafted enrichment toys for the ranch’s smaller animals, creating five snuffle balls from fleece blankets and zip ties for the skunks, porcupines, and opossums. The Snuffle balls were filled with a food mixture of vegetables, mealworms, chicken, and cheeses and enabled Lloyd, the three-year-old black and white skunk, and Casper, a one-year-old albino skunk, to play with them and search for snacks.

Rainah, the ranch manager, took the team on a facility tour and discussed the other animals who live at the Ranch. HSA staff were able to pet the skunks and barn cats, along with the horse, donkey, and pig that live at the ranch. The team even had the opportunity to meet Kuma the North American black bear, Shere Khan the Siberian tiger, and pet Canuck, a British Columbian female wolf.

HSA also made a monetary donation to the ranch. We’re thankful for the opportunity to support such an impactful organization!